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Special Procedures


Coordination Committee of Special Procedures



Country mandates

Thematic mandates

List of all special procedures mandate holders


Country visits

Annual Reports

Reports to the General Assembly

Crosscutting themes
Annual Meeting

Press Releases

Enhancing the effectiveness of Special Procedures

Seminar on "Enhancing the effectiveness of special procedures of the CHR" 12-13 October 2005

Reform agenda


Human Rights Council

Commission on Human Rights

Feature stories

Human rights are key in relief efforts

Protection of journalists in armed conflicts


Annual reports

Special procedures mandate holders are requested by the Council (formerly the Commission) to present annual reports in which they describe the activities undertaken during the previous year. The annual reports discuss general issues concerning: working methods, theoretical analysis, general trends and developments with regard to their respective mandate and may contain general recommendations. Reports may also contain summaries of all communications transmitted to Governments and the replies received unless contained in addenda to the annual report. Reports on country visits are usually presented as addenda to the annual reports. Some mechanisms are requested to present an interim report to the UN General Assembly which meets from September to December.

In 2007, Special procedures mandate holders presented annual reports to the Fourth (12 -30 March 2007), Fifth (11 - 18 June 2007) and Sixth (10-28 September, 10 - 14 December) sessions of the Human Rights Council

- Fourth session
- Fifth session
- Sixth session

In 2008, Special procedures mandate holders presented annual reports to the Seventh (3-28 March), Eighth (2-18 June) and Ninth (8-24 September) sessions of the Human Rights Council

- Seventh session
- Eighth session
- Ninth session

In 2009, Special procedures mandate holders presented annual reports to the Tenth (2-27 March), Eleventh (2-19 June) and Twelfth (14 September-2 October) sessions of the Human Rights Council

- Tenth session
- Eleventh session
- Twelfth session

In 2010, Special procedures mandate holders presented annual reports to the Thirteenth (1-26 March), Fourteenth (31 May -18 June) and Fifteenth (13 September-1 October) sessions of the Human Rights Council.

- Thirteenth session
- Fourteenth session
- Fifteenth session

To consult the annual reports of each Special Procedure, visit their individual webpages listed under thematic mandates and country mandates.

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